// This site is VERY much a WIP. Please go look at the pastebin of resources while I work on formatting and coding this. :)
// Welcome to Neocities Resources, my personal amalgamation of resources I've found all over the web! While this was meant with Neocities in mind, there are resources for several other sites here. All links open in a new tab to make it easier to shop around and collect an abundance of tabs to use later. I encourage you to poke around and look at everything!
// None of these resources unless explicitly stated are mine. Please link back to the original creators when using them. I would also appreciate it if you linked back to this site!
// If you're trying to get the music to work, you need to go to your site settings, allow audio, refresh the page, and then play it. It will update itself as you navigate through the entire site so there aren't any weird pauses/cutoffs! There is no workaround to automatically enable music without turning on autoplay (which I don't want to do!) or else I would've done so already. I wish there was more I could do! The good news is once you figure out how to do it, it'll work for every page every time you visit until you clear all of your site cookies!
// You're more than welcome to contact me through the links on my personal site with any questions or comments! Feel free to sign our guestbook while you're here as well!
// 3/18/24
// 3/17/24