C:\Windows\system32>cd C:\Program Files\Home
C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player>start html.exe

// Welcome to the HTML help center!

// If you have no background knowledge of HTML, I would reccomend you go to htmldog HTML tutorial to start with the basics.

C:\Program Files\Neocities Tutorials>

How could i start without this? Not only does it have a tutorial to walk you through the basics of code, it has dozens of other links! HTML, CSS, CSS frameworks, JavaScript, static site generators, WebGL, 2 and 3D graphics, it's all here!

C:\Program Files\Strovi Neocities

This has an obscene amount of resources for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more.

C:\Program Files\Stack Overflow

A forum for all kinds of programming! Reddit, but if it was actually useful.

C:\Program Files\w3 Schools

Like Stack Overflow, except it walks you through how and why the code works the way it does!

C:\Program Files\Bradwoods.io

C:\Program Files\Blended HTML

C:\Program Files\Sadgrl Webmastery

C:\Program Files\Layout Builder

C:\Program Files\Melonking